Before the summer heat kicked in, here's some pics of the plot.

And what have I done?
Been an extraordinarily lazy blogger that's for internet is up and running thankfully-so no excuses! I also am planning a wedding, so the garden has taken a back step for the moment, it's still kicking along-but not nearly as well as I had hoped.
We got two new chooks, and one has turned out to be a rooster-bloody heck! I think my fella's going to eat him if he keeps up his anti-social behaviour.
What did I learn?
Never to grow yellow fig cherry tomatoes again...they took over the garden and weren't all that tasty.
Green Zebras are delicious.
So are Black Russians.
Eggplants are tricky.
After the wedding I'll be back with my hands in the dirt, in the meantime I have to maintain my manicure :o)
Signing off for now-